Yasuo Do No Dmg Early
yasuo early game, yasuo early game build, is yasuo early or late game
Even then, his damage output is severely reduced by the current meta and the built in 10% reduction.. Ryne or alisaie for dmg There are many ways to nerf a champion, especially a champion as overloaded as Yasuo, but to properly nerf a champion, we must first realise WHY Yasuo is overpowered.. This is not the case Intent is actually ALOT weaker than what GD percieves it to be.. Intent is Yasuo's only steroid At a first glance, an average GD would think that after Yasuo reaches late game, buys an Infinity Edge, and reaches 50% crit, his damage output would be multiplied by 250%. HERE
yasuo early game
After finally having a viable Melee ADC in League of Legends, I would like to see Yasuo properly nerfed instead of being completely gutted and becoming Olaf.. A 690 damage shield is already pretty damn high, and being able to instantly refresh it with the ulti for a 1380 shield just makes Yasuo too tanky.. 5 * 0 9 * 0 9 * 0 9 = 182 25% crit damage, a loss of 67 75% crit damage Yasuo's damage steroid compared to other Melee ADCs Yasuo: up to 50% bonus crit chance, but with a loss of 54. HERE
yasuo early game build
2 'Yasuo's shield is too strong late game, at 690, not to mention it refreshes when you ulti' I have to agree with this statement.. GD's reasoning for why YasuOP1 'Yasuo gets a free 50% crit from his passive' On the contray to popular belief, this is actually one of the most balanced parts of Yasuo's kit. https://gallant-khorana-a5b1de.netlify.app/The-Final-Station-1-0
is yasuo early or late game
For the first few minutes of the game, this passive doesn't exist Even after Yasuo reaches mid-late game and spends 6.. 3k gold on IE Shiv, purely offensive stats (not including 800 for vamp, 440 for a blade/shield, and 1000 for boots), he only gains 45% crit unless if he gets 5% crit from runes. cea114251b Click
0 * 0 9 * 0 9 * 0 9 = 145 8% crit damage, a loss of 54 2% crit damage With Infinity edge = = 2.. Despite the constant complaints on GD about Yasuo being badly designed, I think he is one of the best designed champions so far. Click